The title says it all. Hanging out in Ljubljana, Slovenia in June was an outstanding and unique experience. My only knowledge prior to going to Ljubljana was that it was just a funny name in the window of the Eastern European travel agency next to Bon's all-day breakfast spot in Vancouver. But it's actually a fucking amazing city. The city rents out cruiser bikes for 5 Euros a day. It's flat and very green. Beers run about 2 Euros. There's an exciting and vibrant free living commune with bars and clubs in a three-block compound which was formerly a Yugoslav military base. The women are beautiful and they all speak English. But the icing on the cake for me, though, was the inexplicable dick graffiti literally plastered all over this town. Without further ado, some highlights of the many dicks of Ljubljana:


True love!


...and finally the piece de resistance, a daring three-dick Baile Funk masterpiece (with my rental bike in the foreground)!
I've been moving around a lot recently. More to come.