I remember buying my first Mummies record. It was 2004 or 2005, I was already in a surf band, and happened to be on a surf trip to Tofino, BC. There's a little record store on the outskirts of town there, and after a few minutes of filing through Ben Harper, the Dead, String Cheese Incident, and the like, I came across their final release, Runnin' on Empty, Volume II. I never spend more than $30 on ANYTHING, let alone vinyl, but I knew right then and there that I had to have it. I took that record home and got drunk alone listening to it over and over and over again. They fucking cover Devo, ferchrissake. TWICE. If you consider yourself a garage rock fan and haven't heard this record, I'll fucking lend it to you.
Ricardo Fumar, the foremost authority on the band, majestically postulated on the record's liner notes that "the Mummies were proof that you CAN eat shit - and live!"
Here is the song that started it all for me:
The Mummies. The band that, mark my words, will make me start another garage rock band.
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